Who is good friend?

       A Good Friend  

  We came to the world as single person but this doesn’t mean that we will live single.  Every person needs a partner in her or his life and the most important partners are our friends. Most people think that partner is only the one who is opposite sex of us. Both this is a common belief which is wrong. Of course our husbands or wifes are the best partner of us but until we find them a good friend is the one which is most needed for us . Therefore; this important person should have some qualifications.
  There are three qualities that I need to see in a good friend.First, a good friend should not tell lies.I need to trust him/her so that I can talk to him/her.Because in my bad days I am in need of sharing my emotions and even my secrets.So the person whom I trust this much should be reliable.Second, a good friend should be there  when I need him/her.I should be able to find him/her near me when I am in a bad mood or when I have problem.Every one has  bad days in their lifes and real friend comes in view in that days.Finally, when necessay, s/he should criticize me so that I can change my undesirable behaviour or see where I am wrong.Theese of course should not be for make me sad.They should be for showing me the truth.I think, theese qualities are the basic properties in a good friend.

Error Correction.

1) When I first heard that had been accepted to Middle East Technical Universitywas disappointed. Thereforedid not like Ankara as a city. However, my opinions have changed dramatically over time. Therefore, Middle East Technical University is a really different world in Ankara. 

2) It has been only one month since I came here. However, I got used to living in this environment. Therefore, first of all, people from all ages in here respect to each other.

3) I love Ankara, my dormitory, my friends and my department. I am also content with everthing which  belongs to METU.

4) If someone wants to walk , he or she can go and do that. In addition, it is a nice place to go and meet my friends.

5) We can easily see this by watching tv, surfing on the internet or maybe just looking around us. Therefore, there are many people graduating from different kinds of universities, but they're not even able to know what's going on them or they don't even try to find good ways to improve the countries that they live in.

I change with METU

   I Brain ODTÜ, before coming here i was seeing the t-shirts this slogan is written on and liked this university as it has such a fame and i was dreaming of studying at the university like this whose slogan is written on people's dress.

 When i got into METU and watched its introduction film, i was proud of myself for being here. After seeing student's works from METU on media, i believe that METU students think and can do what s/he think so they can change the world. They make differences  in every step of life.
Unfortunately i don't think the same think for faculty of education students because they don't think about an invention so we can't say the same think they think and do.But we think about the people who they teach, those students are lucky as the education at METU is really good and those who graduate from METU graduate with self-enhancement in not only educational but also socialization. They are forbearing teacher and their students can say what they think so this generation become a creative generation and this genaration can change the world. 
Consequently i deadly agree this video METU students can do what they think, make differences in every step of life, forebearing all thoughts and thus they can change the world.

      An Ideal University


   Without doubt the best years of one person's life are the years when s/he is in university.Even when a child starts elementary school, s/he starts to dream of his/her  university life.But unfortunately most of us can't study at the university which is in their dream.But what is an ideal university like for us?

   In my opinion a university is ideal as long as it provides for its students with a funny atmosphere  a wide area in which they can chat and social activities can be taken place,social groups that meets most of the student's interest and understanding teachers. People should improve themselves not only educational aspects but also socialization during their university life. Every student wants this two kind of improvement but theese depend on the university.

 Furthermore university shouldn't be the place in which only the students who have a good relationship with their teacher are successful and the others who can not get along with their teacher are unsuccesful. Because in that case most of the students can not show up their real skills.
When we consider METU in accordance with these criteria, i think it is an ideal university just like in my dreams.As it has those qualifications which improve not only educational aspects but also socialization of myself.

Being a student at METU

   To begin with, I should tell that METU was a dream for me because of the class in which students who one year older than us studies was famous for their diligence  within the school when i was in high school.Two of them got Boğazici University and the other two got METU. Their teacher was more experienced than ours even our teacher was a student of him.So we always think that we cannot be as successful as them  but consequently two of us went to the Boğaziçi university  and the other two is here.Thus especially as a result of this success i am so glad to be here.
  I think being a student at METU is totally a privilege  For example when i say 'I am studying in METU' to hair-dresser, a seller or somebody else with whom you chat in an ordinary way the expression on their face is worth seeing an even while i am showing my student ID to security personal, i am proud of being here.
If we think about the ways which 
it is challenging for me, they  are little or no.The distance of my dormitory to cafeteria and souk is major problem.But comfort of the dormitory is makes this problem out of question and day by day i am getting used to cooking and using our lovely blue buses.So i can say that my major problem isn't a challenge.And before coming here i was so nervous about lack of sea but now i think this isn't a problem if you have good friends and teachers.You can always find something which is more enjoyable than watching sea to do with them.As a consequence, i am quite glad to be here and sure i won't regret having chosen METU.