In the simpliest form, television can be defined as a machine with a screen on which you can watch programmes. When we think such a machine, it sounds useful and funny. However television is shuting us in day by day. Its effects on us are getting more and more. It became such an indispensable part of our life that one cannot think a life without it. It is invented for informing people about what happens in the world and entertaining them. Unfortunately, this machine which was advantageous when introduced, became a monster restaining us.
Undoubtedly T.V. tickles us pink and this entertaintment becames such a dependance that people spend almost half of their days in front of T.V.. As soosn as children came from school , they start to watch cartoons and keep on watching till the night. Sometimes even they do not do their homeworks. In addition to this, adults also act in the same way. Even in the USA half of the parents and children have their own T.V. set in their rooms. Moreover people in Turkey have a TV serial in each day or two perhaps three.. Therefore it is clear that people waste their time in vain in front of TV. Television is nothing but a waste of time.
Another harmful effect of TV is on the health. People spend a lot of time in front of tv and this triggers many health problems . First, people do not realize how much they eat while they are watching TV and they do not move much but for changing their lying styles. This problems cause obesity. Second, the light which comes from the lamp or the sun reverberates so much that this causes visual impairment. This health problems affect mostly children because it is relevant to their growth. For example as parent put their child in front of TV in order to silence them and so their child does not interlope. However parents do not aware of the fact that putting the child in front of TV causes attention-deficit-disorder in the following years. Moreover, as the child gets used to sitting and watching TV, s/he becames antisocial and children may become autistic. Not to put too fine a point on it, in addition to being a waste of time ; TV is machine which harms human life.
Some people think that TV provides them with knowledge. It is a true idea that TV gives so much information but the reality and trueness of this information is arguable. Perhaps, in the past people would benefit from the TV in order to gain knowledge but nowadays there is so much fake information. For example, first and foremost, advertisements are the biggest liars. Most of the products have nothing in common with the ones which present on the ads. To sum up, there is no certainty of the knowledge gaining from TV.
Furthermore some people can think that their children are sedate when they put them in front of TV but they do not realise that how much harmful it is. TV harms the children’s thinking skills critically because it includes so many violence and sex objects. Perhaps parents do not care much but it is something more serious because all of this object affect the child’s personality. Moreover children can be exposed to bad language spoken on TV. Therefore it is clear that there are really serious things which affect child’s growing.
All in all, TV might be seen as a useful machine and the ones addicted to it do not deny its usefullness. However it became such a danger that people cannot survive from it and keep on shutting in it day by day.Unfortunately people cannot see its harmful effects on their life in terms of health or personality.and keep on being trapped in it and hopefullf one day the number of couch potatos will decrease.
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