Reflection : Can men and women be friends?

                                         Inevitable Love

  This subject is the one which catches my attention most. It is a really hot point. I like the way writer use while writing. She writes the challenges and truthes. She mentions almost all of the challenges that men and women can encounter. 
My opinion about this subject is that,of course, women and men can be friends. Hovewer there should be some boundries because if there are a man an woman who get on well, love is inevitable. Most of us have friends opposite sex and we think that there is no difference between having a friend from oppossite or same sex. Hovewer  there are always things which push you love especially and firstly society.
 People always ask you questions about the relationship you have with an opposite sex. They want you be couple and force you to do it.
 Shortly, there is nothing like men and women can not be friends they just cannot be close friends.

 VİDEOThis video tells about the same topic in a detailed way and its funny. Hope you enjoy !

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